
Friday, July 8, 2011

Oh No! Not Again!

Whew, it’s hot out here in the Midwest -- most days in the triple digits!  Driving in this heat can make even the most sanguine person downright cranky. If you are like me, the first parking place you will look for is in the shade - under a tree. 

The problem is, this is also where our fine-feathered friends gather to stay cool.  I know this mostly because of the “gifts” they leave on my car.  If not treated quickly your car’s paint can be permanently damaged.

And it's not just the acid in the droppings eating your paint. The real culprit is the sun -- which heats and then expands the paint on your car. When the sun hits the bird droppings, it hardens at the same time the paint is expanding. When the sun sets and your car cools down, the paint then contracts and forms itself around the hardened bird droppings.

This wrinkling/cracking is what happens when paint is unprotected

Bird droppings that are exposed to the sun can do damage in less than 10 minutes. To remove droppings that have been on your vehicle for more than 10 minutes, place a moist cloth over it for a few minutes to soften the deposit before rinsing or wiping it off.

But what about those days when you cannot take care of the mess while on the go? This is where Autowash rises above the competition and comes in for a full rescue.

First, we apply Bug Buster, which is an application that literally dissolves stuck on messes like bird droppings and bugs.  Next, Patented Soft Maxx brushes are guaranteed to scrub off stubborn elements without scratching or causing swirls like the lesser-expensive types of brushes can.  Using a wand won’t even come close.

Autowash then applies Rain-Shield which protects against bug splats AND bird droppings.  This miraculous product leaves a nice armor of protection against future birdie infractions – all the while leaving your car’s paint fully waxed, protected and lustrous.

At $10 (max) per wash experience, you won’t find a better value anywhere.  It is worth it to us to invest in only the best products and equipment money can buy.  After all, we want to assist you in extending the value and life of your car. And we want you to come back!

So go ahead, park under the trees.  We've got you covered.

For added value, we offer a Loyalty Program (Buy 5, Get One Free), Unlimited Wash Pass (Wash your car every day if you want!) and Fleet Accounts.